24-Oct-2010 to 27-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
USD 2499.00-5295.00
The GIS for National Security, Defence & Emergency Management conference will address by building on the key findings from our highly sucessful Geospatial Intelligence Middle East Conference in Bahrain.
25-Oct-2010 to 27-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
USD 500.00-999.00
The 2nd Aviation Life Cycle Management conference brings you up to date with the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in the industry.
25-Oct-2010 to 27-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
USD 500.00-999.00
The 2nd Aviation Life Cycle Management conference is a forum for aviation life cycle management and sustainment stakeholders who are serious about finding solutions to the money, time, personnel, parts, and partnership challenges of attaining the highest warfighter readiness.
25-Oct-2010 to 27-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
GBP 699.00-1048.00
The 6th Annual Joint Personnel Recovery conference will discuss operational requirements, existing and future capabilities, SERE/PR training and education and feedback from theatre.
25-Oct-2010 to 28-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
USD 2499.00
The Civil Aviation Investment Iraq Summit explores the strategies and investment opportunities in the region today.
26-Oct-2010 to 27-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
GBP 699.00
Joint Personnel Recovery 2010 will bring to the fore the latest thinking and approaches on JPR from a variety of countries, as well as build a comprehensive knowledge of the current capabilities available and the requirements of the future.
26-Oct-2010 to 27-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
GBP 499.00-2998.00
The European Investing in Distressed Debt Forum 2010 brings together a leading line-up of investors from across Europe who will trade war stories and experiences of the past 18 months and discuss where they see opportunities for 2011.
26-Oct-2010 to 28-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
MYR 4375.00
The Aviation Outlook Asia 2010 conference is the strategic platform for full service, regional and low cost airlines to identify, examine and discuss issues and challenges that continue to play a critical role in driving the industry’s recovery to growth and profitability beyond 2010.
26-Oct-2010 to 28-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
EUR 125.00-175.00
The Software Defined Radio Europe 2010 conference is widely recognised as the premier European meeting for military and industry to convene, share ideas and drive progress and interoperability between militaries Software Defined Radio.
26-Oct-2010 to 27-Oct-2010
Published Rate:
EUR 125.00
In 2010 Software Defined Radio (SDR) is set to become the key enabler of Network Centric Warfare. Acquisition strategies from major coalition nations have seen the emergence of common capability developments, while advances in ad-hoc networking and multiple waveform functionality dictate that Europe... [READ MORE]