Energy, Oil & Gas
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Price: USD 2750.00
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23-Jun-2008 to 24-Jun-2008
Global production of biofuels is booming, as higher oil prices and technological breakthroughs have made it a more profitable business.

Attend Biofuels 2010 to discover the latest innovations, developments and regulations. This exceptional event will attract a great mix of key decision-makers and professionals from the industry.
Price: USD 1445.00
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24-Jun-2008 to 25-Jun-2008
This conference convenes all segments of the market: producers, traders/brokers, buyers, regulators and financiers to explore the crucial issues impacting these markets in 2008, exchange ideas, and network. This conference is designed for all those who have a stake in the bunker and residual fuel industries.
Price: AUD 2744.00-2964.00
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18-Aug-2008 to 19-Aug-2008
The 3rd Annual Australian Gas Markets will this year be “Focusing on East Coast Gas Developments” as it examines the issues and challenges regarding gas supply outlook changing dynamics and regulations related to the industry in the east coach region. A high-profile panel of speakers will be on hand to deliver their views and insights.
Price: USD 1500.00
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02-Sep-2008 to 04-Sep-2008
This conference is the ultimate forum and gathering for oil & gas professionals who are carrying out business in the China and Asia region or who hope to move into this exciting market.

The event is being organised in conjunction with the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products.
Price: USD 2095.00-3090.00
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23-Sep-2008 to 24-Sep-2008
Alaska Oil and Gas Symposium is an important conference that will get to the heart of all aspects relevant to the harvesting of oil and gas in that next frontier for energy exploration, Alaska.

Hear from a top line-up of speakers from heavyweight energy players such as BP, ConocoPhillips, Shell and others.
Price: GBP 250.00-2995.00
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06-Oct-2008 to 10-Oct-2008
The 15th Annual Africa Upstream 2008 is the world's largest and most significant exploration and development event on Africa for the global oil exploration and gas-LNG industry Calendar, with key African Government decision-makers and senior oil executives present along with senior executive players across the African value chain.


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