Energy, Oil & Gas
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Price: USD 1195.00-1895.00
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23-Jun-2008 to 24-Jun-2008
Attend Platts 5th Annual Utility M&A; Conference for the opportunity to question high-level panels of utility, financial, and regulatory M&A; players about foreign investment in U.S., spin-offs, infrastructure funds, joint venture partnerships, the impact of climate change, and renewable energy M&A.;
Price: USD 2750.00
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23-Jun-2008 to 24-Jun-2008
Global production of biofuels is booming, as higher oil prices and technological breakthroughs have made it a more profitable business.

Attend Biofuels 2010 to discover the latest innovations, developments and regulations. This exceptional event will attract a great mix of key decision-makers and professionals from the industry.
Price: AUD 1094.50-3619.00
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24-Jun-2008 to 26-Jun-2008
The Annual Queensland Longwall Mining 2008 Summit is returning for its 12 edition at an important time for the industry.

The event is designed to help you troubleshoot and streamline longwall moves, look into roadway development initiatives, discuss approached to tackle geotechnical, strata & operational challenges, gives you insight into dealing with recent flooding and much more.
Price: USD 899.00
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24-Jun-2008 to 25-Jun-2008
Now in it's 4th year, Carbon Markets Asia will continue to provide an excellent platform for new project hosts to learn about the latest market developments and do business with CER buyers.
Price: USD 995.00-1495.00
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25-Jun-2008 to 26-Jun-2008
Platts Carbon Capture & Sequestration highlights the latest in project development, enhanced oil recovery, and legal rights to carbon sequestration.
Price: EUR 1521.65
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30-Jun-2008 to 01-Jul-2008
Platts 3rd Annual European Nuclear Power conference will act as an impartial reality check bringing together national and regional regulators; nuclear industry players, leading academics and analysts to debate the way forward in portfolio maximization and risk management in an ever complex regulatory environment.
Price: AUD 1534.50
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The Australian Energy & Utility Summit 2008, celebrating its sixth year, will examine the crucial issues and challenges facing the energy supply, transmission and distribution sectors.

The areas of discussion include government policy and regulation, generation, production, transmission, distribution, retail, privatisation and sustainable energy issues.


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