Finance & Banking Conferences

> Accounting & Auditing
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Price: USD 450.00
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23-Jun-2008 to 24-Jun-2008
At this event, topics such as the understatement of asset/revenue, embezzlement and anti-money laundering will be discussed.
Price: USD 1895.00-2795.00
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14-Jul-2008 to 15-Jul-2008
This conference scrutinizes the steps that you can take now to mitigate the financial and operational burden of outside audits. Expect to learn from this conference - real life hospital case studies and, tried-and-tested methods to overcome the inherent challenges of responding to reviews including information management, remediation strategies and the streamlined appeals processes.
Price: GBP 527.58
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It is difficult enough running a domestic payroll let alone an international one. But if your payroll goes beyond borders, this conference will help you overcome the obstacles and solve some of your most urgent issues.

Some of the leading HR and tax experts will be on hand to offer you practical solutions to meet your international payroll demands.
Price: SGD 0.00
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16-Jul-2008 to 17-Jul-2008
Are you in a senior management position where you are required to make sound business decision but are overwhelmed by technicality of financial data and accounting reports?
Successful business leaders, senior officers and professionals understand the importance of good financial knowledge is critical for their career development & business success.
Price: AUD 2638.90
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This conference will look into the importance of proper disclosure in the accounting and reporting fields in the midst of new legislation related to carbon trading, climate change and the environment.

The key is to protect yourself against the future and ensuring consistent reporting standards across the board.
Price: SGD 1338.00
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PI ETA Seminars provide answers to the questions above and the tools to allow you to go in-depth into understanding your company's financial risk.


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