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General Management Conferences
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The Employer Summit on Disability Management - Chicago
Price: USD 1595.00-2495.00
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18-Jun-2008 to 19-Jun-2008
This uniquely focused program will help you reduce costs through behavioral health integration, leveraging return-towork programs and using on-site clinics for disability management. Our expert faculty represents multi-state, national and international employers and provides evidencebased solutions that generate measurable cost savings and hard-dollar ROI.
The PEI Investor Relations & Communications Forum - New York
Price: USD 2696.65
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18-Jun-2008 to 19-Jun-2008
The 3rd annual PEI Investor Relations & Communications Forum aims to provide a platform for private equity investor relations and communications professionals to discuss the above issues for their benefit and the benefit of the industry as a whole.
Industry leaders will speak on marketing & branding challenges, managing LP expectations, legal & technology issues, and press relations among others.
Creating Successful Events - Singapore
Price: SGD 2250.00
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19-Jun-2008 to 20-Jun-2008
Creating Successful Events has been created because every organisation, whether lifting a brand image, launching a new service or planning a promotion, needs someone trained in the fundamentals of event management to ensure that the objectives are met.
FIMA: Entity Data Management 2008 - New York
Price: USD 1750.00-2199.00
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22-Jun-2008 to 23-Jul-2008
FIMA has always focused on the challenges of acquiring, cleansing and maintaining the securities data that is essential to your operation.
FIMA: Entity Data Management will concentrate on Client and Counterparty Data cleansing and maintenance for operational efficiency, risk mitigation and compliance.
The 2008 will be the second year this show is running.
Contract Management, Performance Monitoring & Dispute Resolution for PPP/PFI Projects - London
Price: GBP 999.00-1299.00
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25-Jun-2008 to 26-Jun-2008
SMi’s third annual Contract Management Performance Monitoring and Dispute Resolution conference will again bring together a range of PPP practitioners from accross Europe to discuss strategies and share best practice guidance.
Asia HR Congress 2008 - Kuala Lumpur
Price: SGD 199.00-2299.00
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Asia HR Congress 2008 is the biggest 2-day HR Conference presenting over 20 of most successful gurus within HR in Asia Pacific. Meeting together in 2 summits: “HR Development & Best Practices” & “HR Technology Shared Services Outsourcing”, our speakers will share advice, growing pains, and learning tools to help you achieve sustainable HR Success.
Missions Of Organizations - Singapore
Price: SGD 1338.00
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PI ETA Seminars provide answers to the questions above and the tools to allow you to go in-depth into understanding your company's financial risk.
Changing Nature of PPP Contracts - London
Price: GBP 999.00-1299.00
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30-Jun-2008 to 01-Jul-2008
SMi’s inaugural conference on The Changing Nature of PPP Contracts will take a timely look at how PPP models are evolving in the UK and abroad. This conference will cover a range of key topics that will allow you to gain an understanding of how the PPP contract is changing and what wider effect this will have on the numerous sectors that employ PPP to deliver infrastructure.
China Government Affairs Forum - Beijing
Price: USD 679.00-799.00
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This is a special conference to help those businesses and individuals who need to know how to deal with China at government level in order to ease their way past red tape and into this vast market.
This is a one-day event that delves deep into the areas that you need to know to help you plot your China government policy.
Asia Pacific Corporate Social Responsibility Conference - Singapore
Price: SGD 4000.00
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09-Jul-2008 to 11-Jul-2008
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is becoming a bigger priority to organizations in Asia Pacific. While CSR is not a new concept or practice, it’s initiatives in the region is still comparatively young. However, it’s now recognized as one of the best ways to enhance a company’s position and value and many companies are now increasing their CSR initiatives.
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