Asia Business Leaders Forum 
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Conference Details:
Developing New Products Successfully
Price : USD 810.00 - USD 900.00

Mon 12-Nov-2007
This event is specifically designed to meet the demands to raise innovation and new product development. This event will explore groundbreaking technologies and advanced product development methods to help you put together the best new product development organisation to compete globally. Who Should Attend: Directors, Division Heads, Senior Managers, General Managers and Managers of the following departments: - Research & Development (R & D) - Quality Assurance - Product/ProductEngineers - Strategic Marketing/Planning - Business Development - Sales

How it works:

Step 1: Register or Login, Step 2: Make booking, Step 3: Receive an Answer when YOU want it

At many conferences, there are some seats left unsold once the action starts. At Conference Bay, we want to give you the opportunity to Make booking for these seats at a price you feel comfortable with. We will then contact the conference organiser on your behalf and get back to you as soon as we hear from them.

Step 1: Register or Login
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