Conference Bay
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Conference Bay offers limited sponsorship opportunities to companies that supply innovative technologies, products or services to the conference industry.

Sponsorship benefits
  • Unique target audience: Directly reach decision makers within conference organising firms in South East Asia
  • Branding: Leverage on our marketing campaign and present your company as the business partner of choice
  • Demonstration: Show your product or service to prospects in a live setting at the Playground
  • Lead generation: Enjoy exclusive access to a very select group of attendees, conference & exhibition organisers only. There will be no “overkill” of suppliers

Throughout the event, attendees will have the opportunity to witness and experience the latest technologies on the playground. Designed as an interactive platform, the playground offers both new and established companies the opportunity to showcase their most recent innovations to the conference industry.

To sponsor this conference or participate in the Playground, send an email to: or contact us at: (+65) 6735 7445

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Copyright, Conference Bay 2007. All rights reserved