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Financial Services Going Green
02-Jun-2008 to 03-Jun-2008 [Expired]

New York Marriott Downtown
85 West Street at Albany Street
New York
New York 10006

New York (NY)United States of America

SourceMedia Conferences & Events Click here

Designed for mid-size banks & credit unions, this ground-breaking conference can give you revolutionary knowledge into how your financial institution can go green and make money at the same time.

Learn how to generate new revenue streams, lower your costs, make your business more efficient and productive, and improve the health and vitality of your customers’ towns.

Pricing Packages
Banks & Financial Institutions
Package Price: USD 1195.00
All Others
Package Price: USD 1295.00


Conference Details

In Europe, the global leader in ethical investing, the number of consumers willing to invest ethically has risen by 18% over the past year, according to Co-operative Insurance.

There is no denying that the topic of going green heavily weighs on consumer’s minds causing them to make choices every day in order to make a difference.

These choices extend to where one banks. Ignoring the concept of corporate sustainability is becoming increasingly difficult for corporations, including the financial services community.

And, if we go green what will be the effect on costs and therefore the bottom line? Is there really a new revenue stream to be had developing green products and services for our customers?


Felipe Albertani

Andrew L. Shapiro
GreenOrder Inc
Founder and CEO

Chris Laszlo
Sustainable Value Partners LLC
Managing Partner and co-founder

Anna Stark
Energy Star Commercial Markets
Program Manager

Mindy S. Lubber JD MBA

Stuart Tyrie
Wells Fargo's National Builder Division
Vice President and Program Manager

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