93,750 seats at 375 events in 43 countries
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Wage & Hour Claims and Class Actions
31-Jan-2011 to 01-Feb-2011 [Expired]

Hyatt Regency Miami
Miami (FL)United States of America

American Conference Insitute Click here
The Wage & Hour Claims and Class Actions conference will provide attendees with expert advice, insider strategies, and comprehensive updates and analysis of all the latest developments impacting wage & hour claims.

Pricing Packages

Package Price: USD 1995.00


Conference Details
The two day Wage & Hour Claims and Class Actions conference is the only event that will provide you with the chance to hear from the nation’s top experts who will share their thoughts, strategies, and insights in this constantly evolving area. This conference will provide even the most seasoned professionals with a cutting-edge, comprehensive view of the wage & hour landscape. Do not miss the opportunity to learn from and network with the best, while obtaining unparalleled advice for dealing with this complex area.

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Conference has expired, so no further bids are accepted.
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