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District Cooling and Heating Asia
23-Feb-2011 to 24-Feb-2011

Beijing Hong Kong Macau Center

IQPC Click here
The District Cooling and Heating Asia conference will provide you with a timely platform to dig deep into the development and challenges in this market.

Pricing Packages

Workshop Only
Package Price: USD 1149.00
Conference Only
Package Price: USD 2399.00
Conference + Workshop
Package Price: USD 3298.00
Conference + 2 Workshops
Package Price: USD 4197.00


Conference Details
The two day District Cooling and Heating Asia conference brings together relevant government authorities, energy and utility service providers, district heating/cooling operators, designers, engineers and equipment manufacturers to explore the district heating/cooling opportunities in Asia especially in China. Topics to be reviewed include critical success factors of the largest cogeneration and DHC projects in China; solutions to overcome structural challenges for up-scaling DHC projects in China; key analysis on DHC economics to ensure profitability; successful business models and industry collaborations from the Middle East District Cooling Expert; and more.

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USD    Min USD 689.40

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