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Contract Management, Performance Monitoring & Dispute Resolution for PPP/PFI Projects
11-May-2009 to 12-May-2009

Copthorne Tara Hotel
LondonUnited Kingdom

SMi Group Ltd Click here

This conference tackles all angles of contract management, performance monitoring and dispute resolution in PPP and PFI projects . Experts and Government representatives from outside as well as within the UK will analyze the public-private relationships across the major sectors and look at what 2009 holds.

Pricing Packages
Conference Registration
Package Price: GBP 1299.00


Conference Details

Demonstrated by topical case studies, delegates will be provided the opportunity to learn first-hand from the experiences of those who have experienced and solved the problems of the public private partnership to create a prosperous working relationship. Key organisational representatives from the 4Ps and the National Audit Office will update you on central issues such as delivering value for money and sector support, and a panel session will tackle that all in important issue of the effects of the credit crunch upon PPP/PFI projects. SMi's 4th annual 'Contract management, Performance Monitoring & Dispute Resolution for PPP/PFI Projects' conference will earn you CPD points in a driven and lively environment.


Derrick Connolly
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Project Director

Phillip Jordan
Light It, Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Services
Regional Manager

Jonathan Gold
Shadbolt & Co

Allen Knight
Berkshire Consultancy

Nicholas Gould
Fenwick Elliott

Trevor Payne
University College Hospital NHS Trust
Director of Facilities

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GBP    Min GBP 779.40

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