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ATCEN: Customer Focus Selling (PROLUS) Program
18-Feb-2009 to 19-Feb-2009

ATCEN Learning Center
Damansara Perdana

Damansara PerdanaMalaysia

ATCEN International Group
| Brochure

The sales professional is usually the customer’s first point of contact with an organization. This workshop specifically looks into highly beneficial customer focused sales techniques and applications.

Pricing Packages
Fee includes lunch, refreshments and training materials
Package Price: MYR 800.00


Conference Details

The sales professional is usually the customer’s first point of contact with an organization. This workshop specifically looks into highly beneficial customer focused sales techniques and applications. The Customer Focused Selling Workshop introduces professionals to the key elements associated with superior sales
techniques and strategies. This workshop consists of modules that teach participants skills such as selling via telephone, face to face and transforming potential prospects to advocates.

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MYR    Min MYR 480.00

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