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Healthcare and Medicine > Healthcare Technology

Asia Healthcare 2007

Government spending on healthcare sector is expected to grow approximately 8-10% per annum. Suppliers to the Asian Healthcare markets anticpate a 20%-30% growth rate over the next few years. Therefore the need for latest technology, materials and know how in Asia is therefore greater than ever before.

General Information
15-Nov-2007 [Expired]

Duration (In days):

Organiser Company:
Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute

Conference Website:

Contact Person:
Rena Chang

Contact Number:
+603 20935393


Host City:
Kuala Lumpur

Host Country:

What is your healthcare provider's next step? The conference will bring together a most distinguished senior representatives and international experts from the public and private healthcare sectors in the Asian region under one umbrella. This event looks to whether a possibility of an agreement can be envisaged to exist for Healthcare in Asia but its member states as per the Kyoto Protocol. Despite the varying of financing sources, the level of health spending in the Asian region is relatives low. Lack of financial resources for health is only half of the problem. Healthcare is widely view as an essential service and evena right of all members of society. All individuals should have access to healthcare, regardless of their economic circumstances

Package Prices 
Full Registration
Package Price: USD $660.00


Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur

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