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20th Annual Global Convention Insuring Export Credit & Political Risk
22-Feb-2010 to 25-Feb-2010 [Expired]

London Hilton Tower Bridge
LondonUnited Kingdom

IIR Events Click here
The 20th Annual Global Convention Insuring Export Credit & Political Risk conference brings you an update into the trends, challenges and opportunities in the industry in light of the skyrocketing claims and credit insurance.

Pricing Packages

Workshop only (each)
Package Price: GBP 799.00
20th Annual Global Convention Insuring Export Credit &
Package Price: GBP 1499.00
Conference PLUS Workshop 1. – Legal Risks
Package Price: GBP 2198.00
Conference PLUS Workshop 2. – Russia & CIS Risk
Package Price: GBP 2198.00
Conference PLUS BOTH workshops
Package Price: GBP 2797.00


Conference Details
The four day 20th Annual Global Convention Insuring Export Credit & Political Risk conference brings you together with top industry executives from around the globe for a hot networking opportunity. In addition, you will benefit from delving into such important topics as learning the lessons of credit insurance losses, the resurgence of public backed export and trade finance, mitigating the global crisis, the current status of claims and what the future looks lik, the lessons adn response of the global financial crisis, how the industry will work with insurers as the market recovers, and many more topics.

Hans Janus

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Conference has expired, so no further bids are accepted.
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