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Price: SGD 3195.00-3495.00
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14-Jan-2008 to 15-Jan-2008
This event is about optimizing your customer value proposition to achieve greater customer spending & satisfaction through employee ambassadorship and customer divisibility methods
Price: USD 570.00
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16-Jan-2008 to 17-Jan-2008
Improve your Understanding on Gender and Cultural Issues to Create a Positive Working Environment.

Awareness of gender sensitivity has become more prominent in recent years as an attempt to reduce the barriers to personal and economic development created by sexism.
Price: USD 420.00-435.00
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16-Jan-2008 to 17-Jan-2008
An exciting event covering the various topics of project management will be conducted by Distinguished Speaker, Mr. Leong Mun Chak - Founder & Learning Facilitator; Project Management Professional (PMP); M.Sc. IT for Manufacture (Warwick, UK) & Ph.D IT candidate (Open University Malaysia). He brings over 15 years of project management experience and provides learning in areas of project management and statistical quality control.
Definitely a seminar not to be missed.
Price: USD 1999.00
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20-Jan-2008 to 23-Jan-2008
World Class Solutions For Maximising Your Retail Operations Activity To Increase Retail Revenue
Price: USD 1400.00
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27-Feb-2008 to 28-Feb-2008
This workshop covers the spectrum of challenges faced within Facilities Management, and paves the direction corporations are looking at to move toward, turning cost into investments, turning wastage into beneficial usage, and achieving Facilities Management Excellence in all operational arenas.
Price: USD 1595.00-2198.00
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06-Mar-2008 to 08-Mar-2008
The 1ST EVER Advanced Executive Secretaries & PAs Conference in China kicks off in Shanghai with an information-packed program tailored exclusively for Executive Secretaries & PAs across all industries.


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