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Marketing Analytics 2007 - Singapore
Price: SGD 650.00-3300.00
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19-Nov-2007 to 21-Nov-2007
Gathering customer data has become a reflex action in most Business to Consumer companies. Surveys, website statistics, research phone calls. Chunks and chunks of information waiting to be converted into increased sales, lengthening customer lifecycles and new channels of marketing. An effective analysis of the data obtained is crucial in planning market strategy and improving customer relationships.
Sports Marketing and Sponsorship Conference & Workshop - Singapore
Price: SGD 1195.00-2695.00
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28-Nov-2007 to 30-Nov-2007
Changing the Game: Maximising Brand Value through Sports Marketing Strategies
Measuring PR & Corporate Communications - Singapore
Price: SGD 2095.00
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03-Dec-2007 to 04-Dec-2007
Beyond Traditional PR Measurements.
A Practical Approach to Best Practice & Demonstration of Results
Sports Marketing & Sponsorship Conference & Workshop - Hong Kong
Price: USD 795.00-1795.00
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03-Dec-2007 to 05-Dec-2007
Changing the Game: Maximising Brand Value through Sports Marketing Strategies
Marketing to the Wealthy, the Nouveau Riche & the Aspirational Customer - Singapore
Price: SGD 2295.00
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21-Jan-2008 to 22-Jan-2008
How to Create Profitable and Lasting Customer Relationships
Marketing to the Wealthy, the Nouveau Riche & the Aspirational Customer (Hong Kong Venue) - Hong Kong
Price: USD 1595.00
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24-Jan-2008 to 25-Jan-2008
How to Create Profitable and Lasting Customer Relationships
Strategic Media Relations in Asia Conference & Workshop - Singapore
Price: SGD 1095.00-2595.00
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27-Feb-2008 to 29-Feb-2008
Integrating New Media into Main Stream Media : Winning Strategies for Overcoming the Complexities of the Asian Media Relations Landscape
Strategic Media Relations in Asia Conference & Workshop - Hong Kong
Price: USD 795.00-1850.00
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03-Mar-2008 to 05-Mar-2008
Integrating New Media into Main Stream Media : Winning Strategies for Overcoming the Complexities of the Asian Media Relations Landscape