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Conference Details:
Intersec Middle East International Conference Program 2 ...
Price : USD 375.00 - 1000.00

Sun 13-Jan-2008
The various events at Intersec Middle East International Conference Program covers a wide array of topics, such as safety, security and civil defence. Intersec Keynotes (13th January 2008) presents world-leading authorities commenting on global issues, trends and the latest thinking, Intersec Keynotes will provide a macro-level view of global issues facing the Middle East region in 20087 across the areas of security, police, civil defence and safety. Global experts and international and regional authorities at the Police and Fire Middle East Conference (14th and 15th January 2008), will be outlining international perspectives on today’s issues, addressing challenges and opportunities facing fire and police professionals in the Middle East. Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) Middle East Conference (14th and 15th January 2008) - The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), a leading international membership body for safety and health professionals, will stage their second Middle East conference over two days entitled “Improving Corporate Quality” and “Building Towers, Raising Standards”, providing an opportunity for new members to join the international organisation.

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