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Conference Details:
Construction Dispute Resolution
Price : USD 1999.00

Sun 27-Jan-2008
With the unprecedented growth in construction projects in the UAE come massive opportunities for companies like yours to capitalise on this boom. But you also face significant challenges when it comes to ensuring that construction disputes are dealt with at lowest possible cost. Construction Dispute Resolution 2008 is a unique opportunity for the construction industry to come together and develop the best practice that will enable developers and contractors to reduce the number of construction disputes that are dragged through lengthy and complex litigation procedures. For the first time, an event which: Covers in detail all of the approaches to construction dispute resolution, from arbitration to mediation, providing delegates with a detailed understanding of all the different approaches Provides practical solutions for dispute avoidance when drafting, reviewing and managing contracts Brings together leading developers and contractors in the region to discuss best practice in front-end contract drafting, on-site contract management and effective dispute resolution Offers updates on initiatives from across the GCC region, providing case studies on dispute resolution best practice and a multi-jurisdictional perspective Includes 2 interactive workshops and a dispute avoidance masterclass, providing focused learning opportunities from dispute resolution experts.

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