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Conference Details:
2nd Annual Cost-Effective Sustainable Design & Construc ...
Price : USD 4096.00

Sun 23-Mar-2008
What's new for 2008? There will be a new focus on HOW to implement sustainability in current and future projects. See more case studies with real examples of how sustainability has been achieved and government involvement to clarify recent market changes. Get tips on essential know-how in Middle East sustainable materials management and the excellent organization and essential networking opportunities that make this event a must-attend! Only at this event will leading players in the Middle East sustainable design and construction industry provide you with the tools necessary to: 1. Achieve evolving sustainability targets without spreading resources too thin, increasing costs or delaying the project 2. Stay competitive by understanding how to maintain an edge in the fast-paced Middle East construction industry 3. Embed sustainability strategy into your business structure and relationships for streamlined implementation of sustainable initiatives Who was involved in last year’s event? Presentation included the most senior level experts from: Atkins Middle East, HOK, Nakheel, KEO, Arup, ADIH, DTZ, WSP, Al Naboodah Contracting, Hyder Consulting, Emirates Green Building Council and Emirates Environmental Group

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