Price :
Thu 27-Mar-2008
Global biofuel production has tripled from 4.8 billion gallons in 2000 to about 16.0 billion in 2007. Sustained high oil prices and environmental pressures are directing governments and the industry to research and develop renewable energy sources and the technologies to produce them.
With crude oil prices hovering above US$90 a barrel, biofuels are economically viable and there are future growth opportunities for the industry.
Featuring presentations from:
• Ministry of Energy Thailand
• Ministry of Plantation Industries & Commodities Malaysia
• Nexant Thailand Limited
• Indian Oil Corporation
• Lurgi Malaysia
• D1 Oils
And more speakers from Asia, Oceania, Europe and US are being recruited.
Who Will Attend?
Presidents/CEOs/Managing Directors/General Managers of
• Biofuels producers
• Technology providers
• Feedstock producers
• Regulators/Government representatives
• Chemicals and petrochemicals industries
• Automobile industry, engine and power generating set manufacturers
• Regional/Overseas plantation owners
• Environmental engineers
• Consultants, management advisors, entrepreneurs
• Commodity traders and brokers
• Financing and banking institutions
• Research and development institutions
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