Asia Business Leaders Forum 
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Conference Details:
China Securitization, Real Estate & Finance Summit
Price : USD 2595.00

Thu 08-Nov-2007
As we broaden our portfolio of events in Asia, following the outstanding success of our industry-wide Asian Securitization events in Hong Kong and Macau, we are extremely excited about hosting you all in Beijing as the world’s fastest growing economy continues its road toward developing a dynamic and innovative securitization market. Topics of interest will include: • Recent securitization regulatory developments in China • Market trend and new developments in domestic Chinese securitization • Credit risk and collateral performance • Remaining legal issues and challenges in the domestic market • Tips for new issuers • Investor perspectives and opportunities • The role of private equity • Securitisation technology • Funding benefits available to corporates • Managing balance sheet and regulatory capital • Cash and synthetic CDOs • And much, much more

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