Price :
Mon 21-Jan-2008
This programme will
demystify finance and enhance your effectiveness by giving you:
The " Big Picture" of finance and how this relates to daily business decisions
Learn how to integrate budgets with strategic plans and the Balanced Scorecard
Understand the importance of cashflow in analysis and forecasting
Appreciate the fundamental dynamics of the pricing arena
Better evaluation and appraisal techniques for better investment decisions
By the end of course you and your colleagues will be able to communicate easily in financial terms and understand the content of financial statements,
analyse and interpret financial information and match your budgets to realistic targets.
At many conferences, there are some seats left unsold once the action starts. At Conference Bay, we want to give
you the opportunity to make a bid for these seats at a price you feel comfortable with. We will then contact the
conference organiser on your behalf and get back to you as soon as we hear from them.