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Conference Details:
Citi-FT Financial Education Summit
Price : USD 450.00

Thu 06-Dec-2007
This unique forum will discuss how to boost financial literacy levels, particularly in under-privileged areas, by tailoring financial education programmes to meet the needs of specific communities, identifying best practices in content development and delivery, and encouraging effective multi-sector partnerships among governments, educational establishments, the private sector and non-profit organisations.

How it works:

Step 1: Register or Login, Step 2: Make a bid, Step 3: Receive an Answer when YOU want it

At many conferences, there are some seats left unsold once the action starts. At Conference Bay, we want to give you the opportunity to make a bid for these seats at a price you feel comfortable with. We will then contact the conference organiser on your behalf and get back to you as soon as we hear from them.

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