Price :
Tue 30-Oct-2007
Why Attend?
BCMC was initiated as a result of the rising importance of business resiliency to emerging threats. To create a platform for practitioners to share their knowledge, learn from each other and benefit from the real life experience, BCMC hopes to inject the BCM awareness, highlight the importance of BCM and work towards confronting the challenges.
In the 7th Annual BCMC:
> Discover the latest industry trends, developments and solutions from the leading professionals
> Reinforce your BCM competence
> Master practical and realistic BCM knowledge and skills
> Meet other practitioners from the BCM industry
> Benchmark your BCM against your peers’ best practices
> Explore BCM solutions that adequately prepare your organizations
> Achieve all you need to know to an effective BCM program
Who Should Attend?
Our conference and workshops have been researched and developed for all vice presidents, directors, managers, officers and all professionals responsible for planning, implementing or maintaining the following:
> Business Continuity
> Disaster Recovery
> Crisis Management
> Risk Management
> Emergency Planning & Response
> IT / Corporate Security
> Physical Security & Infrastructure / Facility
> Environment, Health & Safety
> Information Technology & Telecommunications
> Enterprise / Strategic Planning
> Auditing / Compliance
> Human Resources
> Operations / Operational risk
> Communications and Corporate Affair
At many conferences, there are some seats left unsold once the action starts. At Conference Bay, we want to give
you the opportunity to make a bid for these seats at a price you feel comfortable with. We will then contact the
conference organiser on your behalf and get back to you as soon as we hear from them.