Price :
Thu 15-Nov-2007
Intuitively, we all understand the positive impact improving customer experiences can have on sales, retention, and loyalty. The questions are: how best to improve customer experiences for both the short and long-terms? And how best to measure the impact?
Customer experiences are made up of customer interactions – or touchpoints. A product, point-of-purchase display, email, conference room, ad, and salesperson are all examples of touchpoints. To improve customer experiences, you have to improve the touchpoints – that is a key to successful Customer Experience Management (CEM).
This workshop is dedicated to teaching you “how to” implement a proven and structured process for improving touchpoints. You will walk away from this interactive “hands on” workshop with the concepts, tools, and practical experience for improving and measuring customer experiences at the touchpoint level.
At many conferences, there are some seats left unsold once the action starts. At Conference Bay, we want to give
you the opportunity to make a bid for these seats at a price you feel comfortable with. We will then contact the
conference organiser on your behalf and get back to you as soon as we hear from them.