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Conference Details:
Executive Talent in Asia - A Global Perspective on the ...
Price : HKD 7000.00

Tue 06-Nov-2007
Data is already revealing a 20% year-on-year growth in the number of executive searches underway in Asia as local firms fight with multinational organizations to attract and recruit top talent. Against this backdrop, globally minded leaders interested in the latest executive talent trends will convene at the Island Shangri-La Hotel, Hong Kong on November 6-7 to discuss these critical issues. Speakers from across Asia, the United States and from Europe will ensure that this event provides a unique opportunity for delegates to understand how this battle may be won. If your organization competes, or is thinking about competing, in the Asian markets then you need to join speakers from both Asia and the West at one of the World’s finest hotels – The Island Shangri-La, in Hong Kong, on November 6-7, 2007 for this major event.

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