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Conference Details:
Global Learning Summit
Price : USD 1000.00 - 4000.00

Tue 26-Feb-2008
The ability of companies to survive and grow in an increasingly competitive global environment is tied to the people in the organization. Organizations are now faced with the challenge of inculcating new skills and competencies for employees and to prepare them for high-level performance in their future careers. They realize that learning and development can only continue to evolve successfully as a business if the range of skills and knowledge required are relevant, imaginative and business-focused. Who should Attend? Chief Learning Officers/Vice Presidents/Directors/Team Leaders/Heads/Managers/Senior Executives from the following departments: • Leadership Development • Learning and Development • Talent Management • People Management • Employee Relations • Organisational Capability • Organisational Learning and Development • Instructional Design • Internal Training • Corporate Universities/Corporate Academies/Corporate Learning Centres • Online Learning • e-Learning Developers, Content and Technology • Human Resource • Business Improvement

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Step 1: Register or Login, Step 2: Make a bid, Step 3: Receive an Answer when YOU want it

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