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Conference Details:
Embracing Web 2.0: The Definite Guide to Business Survi ...
Price : SGD 240.00 - SGD 260.00

Wed 28-Nov-2007
Businesses today must wake up to the arrival of Web 2.0 technologies like blogs, wikis, podcasting and the plethora of social networking tools. Consumers today have moved beyond email and IM and used these new technologies to enable a revolution in the way people interact, network and collaborate. In a recent McKinsey survey three-quarters of executives plan to maintain or increase investments in collaborative web-based technologies. Companies are slowly starting to understand that Web 2.0 technologies present significant business benefits that will change how transactions are made and how business is conducted. Leading edge companies have used these tools to enhance content management, corporate culture, peer data sharing and communications, recruitment and customer service, as well as marketing. Welcome to the annual IT Best Practices Seminar organized by the ITMA. The theme for this year is around deciphering what Web 2.0 really means to businesses. - What is the Web 2.0 reality of today? IM, blogging, podcasting, RSS, social networking? - How do we convert the social network phenomenon into revenue generating business? - How are some of the leading businesses using Web Services to deliver greater customer service and improve shareholder value?

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