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Conference Details:
NextGen CyberCrime
Price : SGD 3295.00 - SGD 3995.00 - SGD 4695.00 - SGD 5395.00

Mon 22-Oct-2007
Target Audience: From business: Chief Information Security Officers, IT Directors, Chief Security Officer, IT Auditors, Information Security Managers, Directors of Financial Crime Prevention, Directors of Fraud, Directors of Risk, Heads of Business Continuity, Security Operations, e-Risk Managers, Information Risk Officers, Information Assurance Professionals, Network Security Managers and Administrators, LAN and Network Administrators and System, Security Engineers, Security Solutions and Telecommunications Providers. From government organisations: Directors, Analytical Services Directors, Chief of Staff, Counter Terrorist Security Advisors, Tactical & Technical Analysts, Research and Intelligence, Heads of Security Services, Head of Strategic Intelligence Units, Security Directors, Ministries of Justice and Interior. From law enforcement: Criminal Analysts, Chief Investigators, Chief Superintendents from Hi-Tech Crime Units, Detective Chief Inspector, Director Computer Crime Units Internationally, Directors of ICT, Computer Forensics professionals, Heads of Information Security, Heads of IT Crime Units, Intelligence Directors and Senior Technical Officers.

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