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Conference Details:
Marketing to the Wealthy, the Nouveau Riche & the Aspir ...
Price : USD 1595.00

Thu 24-Jan-2008
This 2-day workshop will arm you with key insights about the High Net Worth (HNW) segment. We will show you how your marketing plan can become the cornerstone of customer loyalty. Learn from case studies of the most successful brands in the luxury industry: Louis Vuitton, Four Seasons, Estée Lauder, Citigroup, and Lexus to name a few. We will explore how they use market research, segmentation strategy and branded customer experiences to capture a greater share of the wallet from the luxury customer. This workshop will teach you luxury-specific tools, tips and techniques to craft a marketing strategy that sets your brand apart and paves the way for profitable customer relationships.

How it works:

Step 1: Register or Login, Step 2: Make a bid, Step 3: Receive an Answer when YOU want it

At many conferences, there are some seats left unsold once the action starts. At Conference Bay, we want to give you the opportunity to make a bid for these seats at a price you feel comfortable with. We will then contact the conference organiser on your behalf and get back to you as soon as we hear from them.

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