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Conference Details:
Measuring Marketing Effectiveness Practical Workshop
Price : SGD 1995.00

Mon 22-Oct-2007
Marketers today are faced with the challenges of striking the right balance of marketing and coming up with strategies and techniques that can be measured for optimum business results. This 2-day insightful and interactive workshop will provide you with the knowledge of how effective marketing measurement will aid strategic decision making, marketing planning and implementation. It will tackle the common challenges of undertaking marketing measurement and give you key tips on how to overcome them within your own organisation. The workshop will focus on board-level measures of shareholder value and brand equity, and on building a comprehensive understanding of the tools marketing management can use to evaluate individual marketing campaigns. Working through case studies from a wide range of industries, you will gain a full understanding of the types of metrics which can be used, their relevance to different business models and situations, and build a plan for their practical application in your own business.

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