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Conference Details:
Strategic Media Relations in Asia Conference & Workshop
Price : USD 795.00 - 1850.00

Mon 03-Mar-2008
The Strategic Media Relations in Asia Conference and Workshop is designed to keep communication professionals updated on the latest developments in Asia and to show you proven techniques, tools and tips on how to overhaul your media relations programme to achieve better results. Our pre-conference Effective Media Campaign Planning Workshop will also impart to you the know-how to successfully plan your organisation’s media campaigns. Prominent industry bigwigs like OCBC, StarHub, MDA, Bloomberg News, The Straits Times, Radio Television Hong Kong, Deloitte, etc. will show you not only the ‘whats’ but also the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ behind their successes and failures. Look forward to delving deep into the complexities of press relations, new media management, crisis handling, strategic media planning with a unique Asian perspective.

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