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Conference Details:
Medical Tourism Asia 2008
Price : SGD 2700.00 - 4200.00

Tue 25-Mar-2008
What Medical Tourism Asia 2008 will address: • Charting the course of medical travel for long-term sustainability • Updates from leading players: Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and India • The rising dragons in medical tourism: Philippines and Taiwan • Building on health and wellness resorts and medical spas as an additional business stream • Exploring the medical tourism market for dental tourism • Evaluating the competition posed by markets outside Asia: Costa Rica, Turkey and Mexico • Branding and marketing medical travel • Medical insurance for the travelling patient in the 21st century • Managing cost-effectiveness for healthcare providers • Healthcare cities: What is their future? • Accreditation for hospitals: The way forward • Healthcare professionalism and patient safety Please check the attached brochure for details on the site visits and workshops on offer.

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