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Deepwater Development Asia 2008

Deepwater Development Asia 2008 will provide you with an open and informative opportunity to tap into real-life experiences and case studies from successful deepwater development projects in Gulf of Mexico, India, Malaysia, Australia and beyond. Thus, you would be able to apply global best practices and lessons learned to your current or future deepwater projects.

General Information
24-Mar-2008 to 26-Mar-2008

Duration (In days):

Organiser Company:
K2B International

Organiser Company:

Conference Website:

Contact Person:
Victor Tan

Contact Number:
+65 67325138


Host City:
Kuala Lumpur

Host Country:


As the world’s demand for energy increases at an exponential rate, easily accessible offshore hydrocarbon deposits have been discovered and mined for the last five decades. The need to explore and reach into greater depths becomes more prominent than ever. No longer viewed as a side activity, deepwater development is now a strategically important element for most global offshore operators.

K2B International presents Deepwater Development Asia 2008! 3days of case studies and interactive panel discussions presented by the leading operators in the region

Learn how to:
- Develop comprehensive deepwater development plans for smooth execution.
-Reduce costs and lower risks in deepwater projects by learning from the region’s leading operating companies
-Identify, assess and control risks in deepwater project management
- Exploit deepwater reserves in a cost effective manner while maximising hydrocarbon recovery

Eric Smith
Entergy- Tulane Energy Institute
Associate Director

Bruce Lockyer
Genesis Oil & Gas, Australia
Skills Group Team Leader Developments

Bhagaban Das
Reliance Industries Limited, India
General Manager

Gordon Murray
Technip Ocenia, Australia
Project Director

Tananchai Mahattanachai
Ministry of Energy, Thailand
Senior Geologist & Geophysicist

Nazery Khalid
Maritime Institutue of Malaysia
Research Fellow

Package Prices 
Package Price: USD $2,395.00
Early Bird Price: USD $2,245.00Deadline: 15/02/2008


Media Partner:

Prince Hotel & Residences
Jalan Conlay
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur

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