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If you are a conference organiser

1: Enter Personal Details

First Name *
Surname/Family Name *
Job Title *

If you make a bid or a booking on Conference Bay this information will be shared with the conference organiser.

Company Name *

If you make a bid on Conference Bay, we will NOT share this information with the conference organiser until he has accepted your bid. Your privacy is guaranteed with us.


If you make a bid on Conference Bay, This information will be shared with the conference organiser.

Work Country
Phone Number * *

We ask for your number in case we need to speak with you urgently regarding a bid or a booking. We will always try to contact you via e-mail first and we will NEVER sell this information to anyone.

Email *

This will also be your user ID on Conference Bay.

Confirm Email *

As this will be your user ID, We want to make sure it is correct.

Password *

Enter a password of at least 6 characters.

Confirm Password *